Tuesday 24 June 2014

Presentation Day

June 21, 2014

     Today was a day of reflection and presentation. Everyone presented their case studies and most previewed their AT Catalogues.


Nikki chose a student who had attention challenges that came to her class in the afternoons and was not engaged in the lessons at all. Nikki started a chekclist that provided the student with a schedule and task focus. Following the implementation of the checklist it was noted that there was improvement with the student. The student has become more focused by following her checklists and has been developing more independence. The increasing independence will be important next year as  she transitions to Junior High where there will be no EPA support for the student.

Her catalogue was great and divided into low, medium and high tech.


Shauna did her presentation of her case study in Prezi which was fantastic. Her student had reading and comprehension challanges which often meant that they were reluctant to put pen and paper together. Shauna introduced Classroom suite as a support tool. These was very beneficial as the student began to answer more questions independently with better results than before. On her own iPad mini she also introduced MyTalkToolLite to help schedule and task management for the student. Their was also succes as the student became accountable for the scheduke. I loved the video of the student playing checkers and seeing how their confidence has improved.


Chris completed his case study on a student that had organization and task completion challenges. The parents had been using a visual schedule with her, but it had not been successful. Chris noted possible reasons for the lack of success as no names or numbering on the schedule which made it not feel like 'hers'. The app that was intorduced was for task completion that contained a reward system. Gold stars were awarded when a task was completed; after so many stars were collected a reward was given. There was success with the use of the app but more support was needed from both her parents and the school. His recommendation going forward was another app with a reward chart Epicwin.

His catalogue was great; I loved the stressball and low tech inclusions.


This case study was about a student who was on an IPP who has behaviour and literacy challenges. The goal of the case study was to encourage independent work from the student. In order to achieve this goal, the introduction of text to speech and speech to text programs were introduced. The student had needed 1-1 support but gained more independence with the use of these programs. They were able to dictate and edit their work with less assistance. One factor that hindered the student's progress was their high absentee rate.

Her AT Catalogue was fantastic and she had created it using Inspiration.


This was the first time I had really seen Pinterest (I know I must be living in a cave somewhere). I thought it was really well done.

Donna had an interesting approach to the case study as she used her whole PEERS class, not just one student. Her goal was t encourage students to communicate and express themselves within the class. The students resonded really well to the various methods that were introduced for them to express themselves. Donna also had them create character names for themselves in their online works and had times when they worked alone, in partners or in teams.


I did not receive a copy of Eleanor's case study so I cannot comment on it. I did receive the link to her AT Catalogue which I thought was very well done. There was a combination of high and low tech items in the catalogue and the categories were easy to navigate through. Fantastic job!


I wasn't able to see Reagan's case study but I really liked her catalogue. I liked the sections that were created for numeracy and literacy as well as her low tech options at the dollar store. Great Job!


I did not receive Theresa's case study so I can only comment on her AT Catalogue. This was my second exposure to pinterest today and I have now joined the site. I thought Theresa's catalogue was very well organized with a wide variety of sections that made it easy for the viewer to search for the type of devices that they were searching for. I thought this was an awesome catalogue.

I couldn't comment on the case study and AT Catalogues of Bernadette and Mckenzie as I didn't receive any links to their work.

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