Friday 23 May 2014

My First Blackboard Class!

May 18 Class

     With my second assistive technology class I feel like I have so much to learn that will help the students in my classes. This was the first online class that I had attended, I must say that I LOVE Blackboard Collaborate. I found the tutorials they had to get started were very useful.
        During class tonight we talked about how to use different sites and programs. I have set up my blog using blogger. I had watched this video before I started my initial set-up.
        I had not heard of the next site that we discussed called WIX. It looked really interesting and after seeing Shauna’s page I thought that it would be very hard to use as I have very limited technical skills. I also have very techy friends who implied that to do what I had envisioned for my blog and catalogue that it was going to be very challenging and may be outside of my abilities without taking additional courses. I was amazed at Shauna’s website and how professional and well laid out it was.

       We also looked at iBook author which was great. I definitely need to get an iPad. I am researching what types of grants are available to bring iPads into my classroom for students to use. I also found this video about iBook author.


        I have started to research and list assistive technologies that will be part of my catalogue. One section of my catalogue that will pertain to Seniors will also contain items that I have used after my hand injury when I developed a chronic pain disorder and had limited mobility in my left hand.


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